Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Helmets help prevent concussions, how can anyone say that is not true?

No headgear is failsafe and will prevent concussions. I feel that helmets or soft head gear may minimize the severity of a concussion (concussions are rated on severity). They may also protect from less severe injury. The question is, will the use change the way the game is played. If so it would negate any possible benefits.

I did some light googliing and it does seem helmets don't greatly minimize the risk of concussion. This is due to what a concussion is, which is your brain rattling around in the skull. You can look at this link for some numbers from the American Academy of Neurology, https://www.aan.com/PressRoom/home/PressRelease/1241

I also found this link from NYS that has a video of how concussions happen and the difference between different types of hits. Your forehead can break concrete with little damage but a hit from the side, or a whiplash, is a totally different ball of wax. http://www.nysportsconcussion.com/concussion.php