Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Top Guns 17 coaches need to insist te girls PASS the all or pull them out of the game. You can scream all you want, it's obvious certain girls refuse to listen.

Why not talk to the club? That's the adult thing to do that will possibly yield some real results. Posting here is WAY easier and takes no maturity or courage and will certainly yield NO results. Seems the choice is clear. TALK TO THE DIRECTORS either by phone or in person. They are very approachable. Only if your interested in getting some results. If not I guess we will all hear your pot stirring complaints on here again and again. Good luck!

One of the directors was there, yelled at the team to pass the ball and girls didn't listen. Just ignored him. Say what you want about YJ but in my experience the organization doesn't allow this go to the goal crap. Warning to all-the grass is NOT always greener.