Well I guess you not at that level yet with TG. They set aside a night in the Fall and go over the recruiting process with everyone who shows up. Then it is up to the individual to talk with them about your strengths and weaknesses.I found TG to be very helpful with my daughters recruiting process and helping improve my daughters playing. However you as a Parent and the child have to be involved it is not all up to the Club. [/quote]

Yeah but you don't have to be a member to get this kind of help. M&D in MD does a recruiting night with real coaches (Cathy Reese being one) there to present, give tips and answer questions. You don't have to be an M&D club member to attend and participate. You play club to be seen [/quote]

Let me know when so I can make a 4 hour drive to MD and sit
on the Jersey Turnpike. [/quote]

Point is, if you can getr the same service for free from an equal or better organization, is it really a perk? Why wouldn't every club open-up the "recruiting night" discussions to the entire lacrosse community? It doesn't cost them anything to put it on.

Why would a club offer their recruiting services to an entire lax community regardless of whether they participate in their club or not. Wouldn't the members of that club feel like the resources that they are paying for are being used up by non-paying members. I wonder if the MD open recruiting night is a promotion to attack more players to their program (which is a very good idea in my opinion), rather than altruism. [/quote]

Why should the members care, they are not "paying for it", these things cost nothing for the club to put on, book a school auditorium, club president moderates and college coaches come for free. I think most parents who would complain are scared some non-club kid will get "their spot". Really doubt a top tier club like M&D needs to market themselves by providing feebies. They probably turn away atleast 150-200 kids every year.