Many of these fall tournaments have alot of break away teams involved. Notice that the better teams you see at these tournaments are usually under their own names and not playing under TG or YJ. Most of them are a combination of YJ and TG players and "daddies" and even a few from other clubs. Most of the better players are sought out for these teams and tournaments. YJ and TG will, as a club, try to organize some of the other players and put teams together to give opportunity to kids who may get overlooked otherwise, they may even ask parents to help out. Everyone is so bitter about not making blue or black, now everyone is so bitter cause they are not asked to be on a small fall team. If your daughter is that good, someone will invite her to participate on a team unless the baggage (that's you) is just too much. If she doesn't get invited, get off your a$$ and do it yourself, but remember to invite every kid she ever played lacrosse with including all the town kids, or you will be the cherry picking daddy.