Originally Posted by Anonymous
Unfortunately no matter where our children go whether it be school, any sport including lacrosse they are going to be exposed to all kinds of craziness. I use it as an opportunity to remind my child how they should not act.

This year my child was moved from a black team to a purple, she was initially upset which I realize was more about the friends she made than a color, I said to her work hard and have a better tryout next year. Thinking about it further I said work hard during the summer because she felt she had a good tryout and I being unsure said my thinking is that if you had such a good summer I doubt a 1 1/2 hour tryout would have made the change. She agreed and moved on.

Only to hear from another of her friends that also moved down to a white team that her parents complained to Bill Smith and this girl was suddenly moved to purple, as her parents insisted on her going. Now this was hard to explain to my child that yes inappropriate but life is full of politics and crazy people.

What the directors should realize in making these choices is that 13 year old girls will talk and make them look silly. The directors should not make choices based on crazy parents contacting them.

Talk to your child again. The lesson to be learned here is the squeaky wheel gets the oil. This is true in lacrosse, the job, the school. Most situations. So become squeaky or learn to live with unfairness.