Originally Posted by Anonymous
NL is not in a death match with Express. Its Madlax who's starting to circle the drain at the high school level starting with 2020 and following with 2021. Express has at best B level players for their 2020/2019/2018 programs unless they get support from LIE. This is expected but should change with the incoming 2021 class who are great and should propel the program. BLC youth players will now have a viable option to stay with BLC/Express and not leave for Madlax. Think how many Madlax high school players started out in BLC, but moved to Madlax for highschool play.
Madlax 2020 has lost players to other high school coached programs. Yeah, you'll hear Cabell laughing, but it will be that crazy madman laugh of a guy who can't believe his 2020 program can't compete at the elite level he so often markets on the website.

This could be correct, we will see. I love how everyone loves to take jabs at Cabell but at the end of the day he has help and got tons of kids on to college rosters and got them in front of 1000s of college coaches over his 20 years. Madlax will never fall completely off the table the lowest I see them every going is to a 1 team per grade system. They still have tons of contacts and they will always be there. People always love the grass on the other side. But most find out pretty quick that the grass over there is not as green as they hoped.