The 2018 Madlax team is quite good. Maybe they just had a bad day. They were up 5-0 over Crabs and lost 7-5. That team has been competitive and both beaten and lost to other top 2018 teams. Frankly the Madlax 2016 and the VLC 2016 teams have never been strong. The Madlax 2017 team on its best days was decent, but not elite. The VLC 2017 was dynamite in 8th grade but was ravaged by attrition...several top players went off to other clubs or have settled into playing for their school at a few events each summer. The only great HS team VLC sustained were the 2015s who are now out of the summer club system. The suggestion that the VLC 2019s are not up to a prior lofty standard is off...VLC HS teams have been rapidly deteriorating for 2-3 years now. Blackwolf and some other clubs including Madlax have been better retaining top players.