Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Every post I post is in response to one of you jerks who can not get over it. He wrote some bad emails he gets upset when you leave his program. Sounds like he cares.

1. So if someone has their own opinion about Madlax that differs from yours, that means the guy is a jerk?

2. He wrote that the kid's Madlax teammates hate him now (what kind of adult writes that?) He said he would tell his future HS coach how terrible the kid and family are. He said he would tell college coaches how awful they are.

Not really sure he sounds like he cares. Unless you are giving him money.

Look at his recruiting service. He actually charges people to talk to college coaches. That's not what I call caring.

That fact that you brought up the recruiting service shows you are so far out of the loop with what goes on with Madlax. That is for kids not on a Madlax team that what to pay for Madlax to help with connections and phone calls. If you play for Madlax they will call and help you with anything you need when it comes to the college process for no extra charge.

And as stated the kid from the Deadspin article was playing for Madlax for free. Say it again because everyone talks about how much Madlax cost. So the kid playing for free quits in the middle of the night and does not answer a phone call. And he can not be mad at all. He and everyone knows he went to far. But we can agree he was at least slightly provoke to act this way.