Originally Posted by Anonymous
Long Island parent here... you are right. it is a pressure cooker here.
no excuses for classless behavior - but consider this:

when you take over taxed long islanders, in a bad economy, trying to pay for expensive training, club teams, showcase camps, time away from work, every weekend of summer on searing hot fields...

only for the desperate hope that your son or daughter can get a better education, and or scholarship money... so they don't have to struggle in the same way.

Long Island Lax is NO Longer considered the noval sport of choice for the wealthy elite. Long Island Lax is main steam! Much larger pools of athletes, more pressure to stay competitive...

Can contributors agree with the LI Lax dynamics?

One of the most well thought out and well presented posts I have ever seen on this board. Absolutely 1000 percent agree. I have to admit I am in that category of people that sees something in my son that I believe he can succeed at the next level not only athletically but academically as well. Not many of us were afforded the same opportunities growing up, we all kid of made our way the best we could. I don't consider myself a lunatic parent but I am very tuned in to what is going on with my sons life both on and off the field. However, none of that excuses some of the behavior that gets exhibited on the sidelines. The stakes are high indeed but it all needs to be kept in its proper perspective. Nice job!