Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Straight from a MD lacrosse proud parent of a 2017 who is 14 and is a strong player/recruit, THIS IS AWESOME. Time for this fraud to get outed. The dopes and real losers are the NCAA coaches who don't look at the birth dates when recruiting the 9th graders who drive home from school already.

Really??? I think they know too well the birth date but just don't care....There is an incentive for coaches to take holdbacks and nothing preventing them from doing so. Please let's not make this into a discussion about how the coaches are duped on birthdates.....because that is nonsense. They know what they are getting.

I see the point that the coaches are getting the MD parents to underwrite a redshirt year. The MD parents must also understand their bet. Best you can hope for in this sport is a fractional scholarship. So money wise, the scholarship money the kid gets over 4 years will be about what is put into a year of prep school tuition. If a MD parent bets well, the kid gets into a better school than without being a lacrosse recruit. But what if after the extra year of private school the kid goes to UMass, Denver, etc. and not Penn, Princeton, etc.? Suicide anyone???