Originally Posted by Anonymous

The Hill is a POST grad academy.

Agreed, the Hill has post grads so, I'm not impressed by them beating a true HS team (even if a few players from MD and LI might be older anyway - reclassified). I would say that the true HS teams also likely have juniors and possibly younger players as well.

I believe that is why many schools don't play postgrads like Brunswick, Tinity Pawling, and the Deerfields. And that is why some polls don't include these pg schools no matter how good the team might be.

Lastly, I wouldn't Rule out there being more than a few working class families on Long Island making significant sacrifices for their kids best opportunities. So I don't think that makes the Hill families that special.

It would be interesting to see how the hill compares academically to some of the better school districts and schools here on LI... And where the grads go to college. [/quote]

You are correct that Hill Academy has a PG team, but you are incorrect that this Hill team which came to Maryland had PG players. Look at the Hill Academy website. They have three schoolboy teams. One PG team, one U-18 team and one U-16 team. The team that came to MD for a Spring swing was the U-18 team. Apparently their PG team plays a lot of colleges. This should quiet the conspiracy theories and accuses of cheating with PGs against high schoolers. That should be music to the LI parents' ears in terms of being a purist. As irony has it, Hill played U-18 players against MD schools soaked with repeaters and beat them.

I like that Hill age constrains their teams instead of by grade, which beards the fact that is labored on this thread about the repeat kids being age advantaged.