Originally Posted by Anonymous
Altough I don't agree, age advantage is not a new concept in sports. From Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers, the NHL statistics point to a proven edge: The result, Gladwell says, is "an iron law of Canadian hockey: in any elite group of hockey players - the very best of the best - 40 per cent of the players will have been born between January and March." Those born in the last quarter of the year might as well just "give up on hockey."

Originally Posted by Anonymous
its a vitious cycle... if you hold a kid back... everyone is or will be so quick to preface any praise with the... "but he should be in the grade above"...
... and they would be right... just pointing out the inconvenient truth...

it's an unfair advantage... so take be prepared to take on the fall out when you red shirt your eighth grader

Be ready to take on the fallout?? Are you kidding me? Do you think any of these people actually care what you think or say?