Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
They do it right by being honest and telling you excatly what you are getting. 9 mids, 6 attack, 6 defense, 2 goalies. You know going in. You don't show up after paying because you only had 24 hours to make a decision and find out there are 12 mids 8 attack 8 defense and 2 goalies. The coaches are solid good guys who know the game, played the game and have been coaching for 25+ years on all levels. They only have 2 teams this year but I always hear good things about them. They do winter workouts, spring league and then solid summer schedule and it doesnt cost you an arm and a leg. I may try to track them down this weekend and get more info. They are playing in the JDRF.

You know all this how? Sounds like lot of insight for someone looking to track them down. lol

Good luck!!

Not bashing them here, I think they know the game. However, there's a reason they folded this thing to begin with. I have heard that they were a bit disorganized and things weren't run very well. Couldn't handle the non-lacrosse stuff, as the program grew it got worse. From my experience there needs to be a solid administrator involved.... I wish them luck.

You sound like a lot of Maryland parents. Large amounts of non-lacrosse stuff at the high school ages, which is really pathetic. If these are "elite" clubs, why they can't just keep the parents away and pick and play the best kids is a hard thing to understand.