Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by CageSage
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Here is the YJ business model. Be the first girl's travel program on LI - good job. Then plug as many of your coaches as possible into the local HS programs as coaches. Then pressure the kids in those school districts to play for YJ's causing an extreme conflict of interest. Kids and parents feel they have to join out of fear of repercussions from their HS coaches. Families on lower level teams fear leaving because of those same repercussions. Then coach your kids year round which is against NYS high school rules. Then have 800 kids to tryouts and give 780 of them a spot on a team. That's elite right?
Elite should be the term reserved for the top team - or perhaps top two teams in a club such as the Yellow Jackets.

Lower level teams benefit by being part of an elite club structure and potentially gaining entrance into some showcase and tournament events from which they might be rejected. While those lower level teams themselves might not be in an elite category, they can benefit through their club association.

Whether 780 from 800 are offered team spots or 280 from 800 are offered spots, the elite teams are still the top ones within any age group. The concept of being an "elite team" does not vary with the number of spots assigned. An "elite club" is one which can consistently field "elite teams".

It is a family's call as to whether the services provided to those lower teams are worth the cost. That value judgement is done based on the family's budget, expectations, and potentially, offers from other programs.

So in the case of YJ, the top 2 teams in each group are considered elite? Can you list the top 2 teams by age group?

Five years ago the YJ probably had elite teams for both Blue & Gold, but the reality is there was no Top Guns or Elevate for girls to play for - YJ was the only game in town unless you lived in Manhasset. I would contend that the A-teams for YJ, TG and Elevate are what would have made up the YJ A & B teams five years ago, there's no question that YJ B,C,D etc are a significant drop-off from the A team and can't be considered elite by any standard. You can say what you will, but 2018 and younger YJ teams are not the same caliber as there predecessors and never will be - nothing lasts forever.

Your credibility gets completely destroyed when you mention team elevate.Yes TG top teams in the younger ages are about equal to YJ top teams but team elevate ,give me a break. Do they even play in tournaments? I also believe the YJ second level teams are far better than the TG second level teams .yes there were no top guns but express and liberty were more competitive back in the day .

Look at the post again, what I'm saying is that if you took the top 24 girls from YJ, TG and yes even a couple from Elevate A teams that would have been what constituted YJ A & B teams five years ago, if you follow that logic to its end it would indicate that the YJ B teams are comparable to yesterdays YJ C teams or worse, so lets not say that there's very little or no difference between YJ A & B teams, because that is simply no longer the case. Which goes back to the original conversation that every YJ team is elite and the B & C teams are comparable to A teams and the're all going to be heavily sought after D1 players, blah, blah, blah.