Originally Posted by Anonymous
Unfortunately, there are politics involved, but you have to learn to deal with it. Crying about it won't help. It just makes it worse and makes you look like a sore loser. It's sad that the kids have to learn this at such a young age, but it is one of life’s lessons. My daughter was passed up to make room for someone else’s friend and relative, who were not as talented as my daughter. It hurt at first, but we moved on and she's doing fine. This experience has made her a stronger person and a better player. I actually feel bad for the kid who is on a team they shouldn't be on. She will always be looked upon by her teammates and their parents as the charity case and the weak link. I wouldn't want my kid to have that label.

Thanks for confirming what we all know that YJ's are all about their own kid and labeling weaker ones.