Originally Posted by Anonymous
Quite a day on the YJ thread!
While freedom of speech may not be an open policy within the YJ organization, it is alive and well on BOTC. Larry Miller is making sure of that. Remember that it is a two way street, YJ's and CR take alot of lumps on this site, but the YJ parents dish it out worse than anybody, dumping on all the other clubs, directors, players etc...

Larry, if what you are saying is the truth, then this simply demonstrates how Carol Rose treats people who are not in line with her views. Can you believe this? Hiring an attorney to squash opinions on a lacrosse web site? That sounds crazy! It really sounds like a person who has something to hide.

IMO, it is no wonder that people are talking about how she is losing credibility among college coaches.

Make sure you write IMO on all the posts because she might try and sue you if you don't!!!! Call Jacoby and Meyers, CR is reading these posts!