Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I guess you guys are right, there is no politics involved at all. Every parent coach is 100% unbiased and it has never effected any kid on any team. It must be that the kids who apparently suffer are lazy and no good to begin with. Thanks for pointing that out, it's so obvious now, what was I thinking?

Nobody is saying there are no politics! What is being said is that if a kid deserves to move up or get more playing time they usually do. It may take a bit for the creme to rise, but it always does! You are always better off looking at how you can help your kids improve, rather than looking to blame a coach's politics., even if it is true!!!Kids need to learn how to overcome adversity without their parents always coming in to save the day! Life isn't fair sometimes. From what I have seen the YJ's are MOST of the time.
with that said , how about the kid with the parent coach, is that parent "saving the day" for his/her child. And if so why does that parent then recuse themselves for the sake of the child. Or maybe Carol should allow the parent to coach a team other than there own child.