Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You seem like the type person who has your daughter cheat down in age but insist it's still a younger level team.How many kids does your coach need to have play from outside your town before you are willing to say it is not a town team.
The funniest thing is you have at least 12 kids from your town team willing to play in a 7 on 7 yet your coach feels the need to bring in at least 3 kids from outside who played the majority of the games and scored the majority of your goals.Actually you had zero chance of winning those games without them.Hope your daughter enjoyed sitting on the bench while those new town team players never came out of the game. The other kids scoring from your town team were actually YJ players .
Stop with the politically correct nonsense everyone knows what the different colors on these travel teams are .
The reason that the 2019 Carro team played in the 7-8 grade division is to get better competition unlike your top TG teams do.When you state that the YJ 2019 top team lost to a town team when in fact it was not their top team and it was not a town team in a fall 7 on 7 event as a reason that you feel TG 2019 is way ahead of YJ 2019 it just shows that you ate a moron.When your story changes in every post about how many guest players you had it shows you are a liar.When you are good with having your daughter sit on the bench and watch the other guest players play so you can say you won a tournament it is just sad.

And the fact that you can't admit your precious Yellow Jacket team, whatever level, got beat by a TOWN TEAM is pathetic.

Have fun watching your daughter sit on the bench while you keep telling your misinformed stories, moron.