Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Agree 100%, travel to MD to play one of our sister teams and pay the $2000 entrance fee? Parents get all riled up on the sidelines and then are asked to play nice with each other when they move some girls together the following year at tryouts. They should never play each other at tournaments unless in the finals

Anyone else find this pathetic? Why are you idiots getting "riled up" on the sidelines in the first place? And why wouldn't you "play nice" (a.k.a. being a decent human being) with other parents on YOUR DAUGHTER'S team? It seems many of you can't figure out that this is just a game and that it isn't about YOU. I get not wanting to pay so much to scrimmage your own club, i don't get the other nonsense. If you want to get "riled up" about something, how about raising money to help cancer patients, or volunteering at a homeless shelter. How about setting a good example for your daughter and realizing for yourselves that girls lacrosse isn't the most important thing in the world. Then both you and your daughters will be happier.
Are you kidding me? You can't be part of the YJ's because if you were you would be standing next wackadoo parents every weekend.

The worse part of playing YJ was when the teams had to play each other but Karma is a [lacrosse]...some dad's would sit there and belittle other players and then their daughters would disrespect them to their faces..those same dads are now eating that big piece of humble pie bc all the bashing they did and their daughter did look who has the last laugh when certain players don't even last the pre season at college...some of them not even 48 hours. So whether your child is blue 1st team or Yellow 5th team be respectful to those around you bc we all share a common interest "our daughters". My daughter is currently playing in college with 1 of the top blue players and she was not a top blue player and they are the best of friends bc our families raised them right. It's just a game!! Nothing more!!

WELL SAID, but you are in the extreme minority in YJ land