Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Bridge the Gap
What is the answer here? Is there an off season?

Is there enough to make two teams and the organization steps in and says this is how you should do it.

What happens to the girls that want to play with their friends (some YJ some TG some BB some LBTY) and only needs a few more girls so they reach out to a few friends they made on the club team. It is a tough spot for all.

That is a different situation in my opinion, not an exclusively TG team and certainly not calling themselves TG

Okay, then you are addressing that it isnt the second part where the only way it may work (without anyone getting hurt or upset) is when a parent grabs their child's friends to play from multiple teams (as long as a majority of a particular team is not included). IMHO unrealistic.

Imagine those posts, is so and so trying to make a new team??? is so and so not happy??? NO they just want their child to play with their friends or different girls they've met along the way.

But what happens when someone grabs a majority from any existing team, to play (be it travel or town) should they let it be known to the entire team what they're doing. (or just understand you slighted and perhaps divided your team and parents... which they probably knew already, since noone was born yesterday)

Get real, those that split up teams without notifications dont care about anyone, they are piking who they feel comfortable with at the time - if you werent picked get over it. (but dont forget it... they are still so young and there will be plenty of more times this will happen.... to them and you).

BUT understand those coaches that notify a team as a whole that the team has been split for a particular game due to roster limits has a heart and probably lost sleep over it. Be thankful they notified you, but dont press them, their reasoning probably doesn't fit your impressions.

Just understand no matter how it is spun (whether it happens to you or someone you know) someone will always be hurt.