Originally Posted by Anonymous
Go on any other girls thread and you will see T.G parents acting poorly , but now that it happens on yours you get upset. Learn how to take what your own members dish out

Okay, no. No you won't see any TG parents acting badly, or any other parents identified with any other club. Why? BECAUSE YOU'RE ALL ANONYMOUS! There are about three or four of us on this board who have, at some point, indicated with which club we are affiliated but the rest of you have not. NO ONE KNOWS who's posting this stuff. Don't make assumptions.

And now, not directed at anyone, but just my vent in general, I'm sick to death of who beat who in the past. It's a new year. In a few months we'll all get a clearer picture of where all the teams/clubs stand in comparison to one another. Until then it's a lot of hot air and hot tempers getting fussed up about stuff that we can't change. Pointless arguments. Rant over.