Originally Posted by Anonymous
I did a search just now looking for a top guns thread. We are torn. Our experience on the purple team has not been great, actually its been very disappointing. Coaching was second rate. Brand new coach. Nice girl, new nothing about coaching. Didn't see her get much help up until maybe the 2nd tournament. Most of the practices were lame. Shannon would work with the black team and teach them strategy and purple would just do routine drills. In the winter league they run Shannon would be coaching black in a game against purple - who had no coaches. We totally have totally felt like second class citizens this year. If you are on black that's one thing. Purple is not treated the same.

If this is true (I admit I have no idea) ,that would be terriblle, now imagine how a white team will be treated or if your on a team that has a kid outside the 50 mile radius.