Originally Posted by Anonymous
I was there too. It will be luck if the kids make it. Coaches were looking at other field during drills missing kids turns, kids didn't get to do all drills at shooting station , when they scrimmaged nobody took notes and when they were done at stations they made kids turn around to see numbers, how do they know what kids did what if they weren't paying attention half the time what about having the kids roll the balls some were good some weren't . I think the coaches were tired at the last session. It was organized and I did like how Shannon stressed academics. So if kids dont make it chalk it up to an experience and use it as a positive to work harder. Let your kid know they are good and to keep trying. It's the luck of the draw.

I watched the entire thing and did not see what you saw. I thought it was done well. I'm curious how you know that they weren't taking notes and watching unless you were in the field with them. The people running the tryout are experienced, I'm sure they know what they are doing. I thought the 2020 girls got the same attention as the other girls.