* asks for advice from other parents
* is concerned for their child
* is concerned for the culture of a team
* states that many different kids were confused
* later says they feel uncomofrtrable with these coaches

And the Coach
* says call me with an attitude
* says he's surprised to hear this and is in disbelief not because it isn't true, but because his ego is too big to accept he may not be a lax god
* responds with his team because there is truth to these rumors.

The coaches are the problem, not the parent, not the kids. You have two coaches on that team with inflated egos who are looking to get their kid further in the lacrosse world regardless of who they need to step on to get there. The female coach was a nightmare on Yellow Jackets, and from what the parent posted it seems like she has taken this man downhill with her. If he works alongside her I believe that there is validity in this statement.