Originally Posted by Anonymous
I think we can all agree that we have been somewhat taken advantage of with all these events, whether it be the UA and Best in Class video evaluation process. Maybe it was the multiple Select teams run by the same franchise (Juniors OPen, AS, NYSR). Its always good for the girls to get some type of exposure, extra play and possibly exposed to college coaches. Obviously every parent wants their child to be selected and recognized for their abilities, just as the parents do as well. These events like many in the past have become extremely popular and expensive commitments. My only real gripe is they have not made commitments as to what college coaches will be attending these events. I like many others have committed to two of these events already, but we have not been made aware of who and if any colleges are locked in as of yet. I would think for the amount of money being charged, there should be a defined amount of colleges committed to these events.

I wish Jrs Open would release a coach list. I'm not as worried about AS and UA150 because we know who was there last year. I hope this one isn't a mistake.