Originally Posted by Anonymous
MKVELE you need a hobby you post then answer yourself praise then critisize. Seems you may be bored! Tell me more about what is happening at Hofstra. New polls are out today interesting
I post then answer myself.... when have I done that, get a hobby..... ok I chose lacrosse specifically, woman lacrosse. Is it any worse than spending endless hours coming up with fantasy football or baseball teams, or following the Nets, Rangers, Islanders, or Knicks. SB played better than I expected, but the fans seem to come up with excuses as to why they lost when the answer seems simple. Your team played well, maybe one day you'll beat them, but not yet. I look forward to seeing them beat Hofstra.... and are I say NU. Your girls played very well, did everything the coach told them to, It was he who let them down.