Watched the MD / PSU game a couple nights ago. No fan of either and actually so tired of MD winning nearly every year but have to give Reese credit. the offense they run is the only one I have ever seen that can consistently produce good shots. Dodge first or whatever they call it is nothing unique in women's lacrosse. What MD does is clear out when a girls gonna challenge. If a player is out on the wing, the other 6 clear out to the other side of the arc. Gets rid of any potential slides.

Other teams have girls trying to dodge from out top, D help is just a few steps away, and girls end up trying to plow through 3 girls to get to the rack and end up with a free position at best. Wouldn't you think other coaches when they are watching tape would recognize how much easier it is if you can create true 1on1 matchups??

As I said pretty tired of them winning every year but it ain't a coincidence, that team is organized..