Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Top 20 and falling fast.

Great! I'd love my daughter to get recruited there. GREAT school, great facilities and great coach. I don't think she could play there if they were #1, but might be able to if they r #10-25. Sounds perfect to me!

Have you ever been there? Evanston? Not so hot. And no worries about that #1 issue.

well you can always venture into the city and see the sights.. just watch out for the high crime areas, meaning the whole town basically.

I would love to have the coach come to my house and offer my daughter a scholarship so I can tell her I would love to have my daughter be a part of Northwestern lacrosse but the crime rate in Evanston concerns me. You people need to have your heads examined. No one on this site is turning down an opportunity to go to that school. Even the northwestern bashers would love to go or have gone there. School will always be relevant in girls lacrosse no matter what is said here.
Thank you for telling me where I would have/ would go, or for that matter where I would advise my daughter to go. Not that long ago N.U. was completely irrelevant, so it's not that hard to believe they could become irrelevant again. There maws lacrosse before N.U.'s run , and will be lacrosse after they become irrelevant. As far as going to N.U for the sake of going to N.U that could be the dumbest thing I ever heard. It's a good school if you want to be an engineer But not if you want to be a veterinarian if you know what I mean. If you're advising your daughter to go there for a lacrosse program than, in my opinion, you're a flawed parent and I would tell your daughter to get advice from another source. It's a good school without a doubt, but even if my daughter wanted to be an engineer I would advis her to go to the Colorado School of Mines because they have a better ROI and one of the best graduate average salaries. Send your kid to a school that is good for her future career, not a nitch sports team, or a popular name, for Christ sake do some research [/quote]

This entire thread has become irrelevant.. the last 10 pages of Northwestern bashing is basically unreadable. please start a "I hate Northwestern" thread so that I can continue to ignore you, and allow most of the rest of us to read about the 2016 Women's College Lacrosse Season