SOS!!! What is happening to WANTAGH? The girls still use the same plays from when Rooney was around. But now those plays aren't working because they aren't NEW plays or RUPPERT'S PLAYS; they are OLD PLAYS!! My daughter graduated, and many alum families watched last night's game vs South Side. We still talk to many families with girls still on the team, and WANTAGH has to do something fast.

The new coach, Ruppert, is out of her league. She's not bringing anything to the table and is ruining that program. But despite the bad coaching, I've got to hand it to the girls; they're really stepping up. The team captains are doing an amazing job holding everyone together, and the players are really supporting one another.

It's great to see them keep their spirits up and try their best, even when things aren't running smoothly behind the scenes. Wantagh, figure it out! You can forget Manhasset. They already know to watch the film from Maddie Taylor's year.