OK, hold on here a minute. If I'm not mistaken, girls and boys use the same hard rubber lacrosse ball, and boys and girls heads are made of the same flesh and bones which are designed to protect the brain. So, if a ball traveling at 50 mph can damage a boys head, who is required to wear a helmet to protect his head, why isn't that same ball, also traveling at 50 mph, not going to damage a girls head? If your daughter cannot tell the difference between a goalie and a defender then you have bigger problems than worrying about whether or not a district can mandate your daughter to wear a helmet. Why is everyone bugging out about protecting their daughter's heads? It may not be required now but it most likely will be next year. Stop worrying about why districts are making an effort to protect your daughter's brains or who benefits financially from it and be happy that your daughter's head will be protected from potential brain damage.