Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
School a few towns away from wantagh pulled up a handful of 8th graders to varsity. Move was questioned by some.

8th graders are not the issue here. This was started by a couple of parents from Riverhead and ESM complaining that their 7th grade daughters couldn't play varsity.

I honestly do not get why all you people feel you know what is best for other peoples kids. Selection classification is supposed to be about what is best for the individual child and has nothing to do with what is best for any of the teams , JV Varsity , or the program in general.If you do not feel kids should be moved up then if they ask you about your kid don't have them selectively classified, but stop bitching about other kids and parents who feel their child will benefit from it in some way. Seems like obvious jealousy or fear that some younger kid is going to take your daughters spot. Yes I have a daughter who was moved up and was great experience, was asked to be moved up in another sport but elected not to be as she wanted to play in middle school with her friends and is not a sport she is as committed to.Stop worrying about what other parents feel is the best choice for their kids it comes across as petty jealousy.