[/quote] 1-He is an official publishing his bias publicly. Therefor opens himself up for scrutiny personally. Would have not commented if he was just another anonymous pot stirrer.

2-His post was not censored.

3-Other posts calling organizations "thugs" is not even close to the same thing and they are not censored either. Not sure why you chose that word.

4-I am far from naive and the bias officials have will be dealt with on a case by case basis and will not get swept under the rug as in the past. They are charged with calling games fairly not based on a preconceived bias. Obviously.

5-I'm not sure why you would have an issue with an official publicly voicing a bias and getting called out on it. You should be more disturbed with his comments. [/quote]

What exactly are you calling a bias? That they play dirty or that they are not that good? It seems to me that the official's observations would be very reasonable especially insofar as they relate to dirty play.


1. a particular tendency, trend, inclination, feeling, or opinion, especially one that is preconceived or unreasoned:

2.unreasonably hostile feelings or opinions about a social group; prejudice: