Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
My daughters PAL team was coached like this for years. Daddy coach who puts his daughter at attack and spends the whole game screaming get the ball to XYZ. The other girls do all the legwork scooping up the ground bulls running the entire field while she stands right next to the net. Finally after about three years of this BS the girls themselves stopped passing her the bowl and started passing to each other and going to the cage it was beautiful because the rest of us parents didn't prompt them to do it they were smart enough to realize what was going on and did it on their own

first off it is a middies job to scoop and run; feed dodge pass and score; it is the defenses job to play with their feet create turnovers and scoop and run. it is the Attack job to do just that attack. Score and assist. it is a team game when all players do their part it works.

The Newsday Boxscore, early recruiting and summer team propaganda has made HS lacrosse anything but a team game sorry.