Originally Posted by Anonymous
And public’s school pages are filled with community college acceptances sooo.. put your money where your mouth is.

I wish we could put this argument to rest but you keep making statements like the one above so i keep looking to see if they're valid and they're not. I looked at four good public high schools - one in Harford Co, one in HoCo and two in Balto county. Their acceptance pages are filled with the same exact colleges as the privates i looked at. They're not filled with community colleges. Did you even bother to look before you posted?

Parents of public school kids - leave the private parents alone. Parents of private kids - leave the public parents alone. Use lacrosse to get in the best school that you want to attend. Just do what is best for your family. There's plenty of struggling public schools- if your kid is at a high performing public achool where they have their pick of college that's great. Just enjoy and consider yourself lucky and don't worry where others send their kids. If you can afford a private school consider yourself lucky too. Don't disparage others who go another route. This discussion is futile