Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I was at the game. The woman who initiated the conversation not only embellished, but what she didn’t hear, she filled in the blank. She was also standing on the St Paul’s “Home Team” side of the stands, and irresponsibly and perhaps willingly ignored the “Visitors” side. No SPSG said anything disparaging to the St Mary’s players, rather, a St Mary’s parent screamed at one of the SPSG players. Her feelings were hurt because of the score, and she felt that the SPSG parents should not have questioned officiating calls. That’s it! Shame on her. She acted like a spoiled child and fabricated the incident. If she had stayed on the Visitors side, she wouldn’t have heard anything.
Got it, so you were upset that she had the audacity to "irresponsibly" sit among you. OK Karen. Your credibility is in tact.
"if she had stayed on the other side, she wouldn't have heard anything"...hmmmmm, thought there was nothing to hear? That the parents were prim & proper and would never say anything disparaging? So, which is it? There is ALWAYS "those" parents at EVERY game, come on! Please don't act like SPSG is above that and would never say such horrible things. To be so offended that the woman didn't sit on the "visitors" side - oh my! How dare she!

Of course parents get on officials at every HS, Middle school, Youth, college, etc lacrosse game. That's all that was occurring at the SPSG game. All in all I think parents of every team in the IAAM would agree that the officiating has been subpar this year. Why this woman was triggered by it is beyond me. And then to post what she did on FB that the SPSG parents were "making fun of the Saints team and their efforts" is just 100% untrue. When she made the comment that the girls could be playing in college together someone mentioned that those two girls would not be. She asked the person next to her(surprising that should wouldn't know where their best player was going to college) and was told she was going to Georgetown. She turned around and told the SPSG parents that. Someone said yes we know where she's going to school and those two girls involved in the play aren't going to school together. She portrayed it in her FB post as the SPSG parents basically saying the St Mary's kids weren't good enough to go to the same school as the SPSG players which again is 100% false and not what happened. No one is saying the SPSG parents were prim and proper. We absolutely were unhappy with some of the calls by the refs in the game. But that's all it was. She inserted herself into things by turning around and engaging with the SPSG fans, who as mentioned included the SPSG Head of School. This whole discussion is ridiculous as the only thing abnormal that happened at the game was the St Mary's mom who doesn't seem to even know their own players decided she wanted to scold the SPSG fans.