This conversation is very repetitive but always entertaining

Rules governing US Lacrosse - U-14 does not exist but often U-15B is assumed to be U-14

Age based event - grade does not matter and team is placed based on age of oldest player

Grade based event - grade does not matter team is placed based on highest grade of its players

Informal playday - coaches have evaluated each other's squads and agree that the scrimmaging is in the best interest of the participants of both teams (perhaps with knowledge of each other's irregular roster players)

In all events tournament directors have accountability to enforce rules and allowance to slightly bend them. Within reason this happens everywhere (especially Maryland - LOL) - once a tournament director decides it is okay for a given team to play in a given bracket, that team is no longer playing down regardless of what the bracket is called.

Alternatively, if a club or parent were to misrepresent the age and/or grade of their players and work outside the rules, they are creating an unsafe playing field and opening themselves up to accuastions of fraud and in the extreme reckless endangerment