Originally Posted by Anonymous
Just reading through this and couldn't help but chime in. My son plays 2018 Express and we have great games with 91. Parents on both sides nothing but first class during the games.
Then there's the idiot that writes such garbage. What a loser that guy is. Love how he remains anonymous and claims his son played varsity in 10-12 grades for a perennial powerhouse.
Take a look in the mirror my friend and look at the fool in the reflection. Just hope your son doesn't end up as pathetic as you.

2018 Xtreme - Terps games have been great to watch over the past two years. I am the parent of an Xtreme player, and what goes on on the field when these two teams play is what athletics are supposed to be all about. The level of play is high, the games are intense, the kids play tough but within the rules, the coaches are doing everything they can to win the game, and parent sideline behavior is good. My son loves these games, looks forward to these games, knows a lot of the boys on the Terps team, and when they do camps and other things together, they hang out. What more as a parent could you hope for?

Then you get the anonymous posts from the guy who criticizes Xtreme coaches, kids, make excuses/spins, and puts down other parents for their professions or team involvement with just enough detail to make sure people know who he's disrepecting. You have got to be kidding me. Please stay far, far away from my son - he loves everything about this rivalry, and the further away he is from the 'go negative - get nasty' guys, the better.