Originally Posted by Anonymous
Picks for the weekend.

M&D Black 11, MD United 5. This is just a bad matchup for MDU. MDU has been extending its defense more during the spring, but M&D will just pick this apart.

Heros Green 9, BLC 4. I think Hero's get an early lead here and BLC struggles to chase games. Hero's middies are just too good.

M&D Black 8, Hero's Green 7. I wouldn't be surprised if Heros wins here. In fact, if they get a ref who calls the game very close, Hero's probably would be my pick. But I think M&D pulls away because they have more girls who can score; Heros probably a bit too reliant on its middies to score.

MDU always keeps games close. 6 is way too much. But M&D will win

BLC will keep it closer than 5 goals. If BLC can win 50% of the draws, it will be a 1 or 2 goal game. If not, I could see a 8-5 game

In the final, I think Hero's pulls it out. I agree that Hero's is very reliant on their middies. And M&D is more evenly spread out in scoring. But M&D defenders are turnover machines. They struggle to clear the ball. They will hand Hero's 2 or 3 goals. That will be the difference. Hero's 8-6.