Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
A good goalie and a good defense will keep you in games but you need consistent scoring to succeed. Either from a mid or a couple of strong finishing attackers.

I know there are some exceptions, but at this age, I feel like middies score 70% of the goals for teams,

Not during a game between two top teams where most of the goals are in settled play. In blowouts or games without defense, I'd agree. But if you ever watch a game between M&D, Heros, Aces, YJ, BLC, and a few others, there are very few transition goals and lots of settled play goals where attack is highly involved.

Attack is involved, but the ball still routinely ends up in the middies sticks and they are the ones scoring. Again, yes, there are exceptions. Also some cases where the draw girls are attack but those are the ones scoring goals and taking DCs or least on the circle.

Aces #2 is dominant on DC for example and is the clear best shooter on team, arguably, in 2027 age.

Maybe the most dangerous shooter in the 2027 age group. Seen her play 3 times and I think she got a yellow card for a dangerous shot 3 times and probably should have gotten more. #2 on Aces plays out of control, just jump shots when not necessarily and routinely hits defenders on her follow through. Just a matter of time before a defender just takes her out.

I see your point, but as girls progress, start running more sophisticated sets, and learn how to leverage big physical low attackers, this will decrease.