Originally Posted by Anonymous
Last day for summer tournaments!

Girls and parents to get a well deserved break.

Best advice I ever got about sports parenting:
1. The car ride to / from is very stressful for the player, don’t make it worse
2. Be realistic who your kid is and is not athletically. If you and your spouse weren’t all world, chances are your kid isn’t
3. Don’t want it more than your kid your job is to support them mentally and pay for $hit

Love the intent of this post. Parents need to remember to let kids be kids and that the kids goals may not be their goals for the kid.

As a former coach, though, I can tell you that almost without exception, the happiest, most well-adjusted and best players in the long-term were almost always those whose parents never played any sport at a high level.

I can name dozens of examples where kids whose parents played college lacrosse were the best player on their club team in 4th-6th grade and the slowly started getting passed by more motivated teammates and eventually left the club, left the sport or were demoted to the B or C teams.