Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
No, the question is…. Why in the world does an adult feel the need to come in here calling a team
Of 12 year old girls “irrelevant “? Just say why did M&D only beat NEMS by one when on paper they should be them solidly

I hope you feel better about yourself by insulting 12 yr olds. jeesh

Because the person doing the insulting, is also a kid. There's no age restriction on this forum...

Because most of these people posting are desperate for their favorite teams to overtake the competitors.

M&D and Hero's fans aren't posting this. They don't care what the competition is doing. They worry about themselves.

It's the people associated with teams who finished BELOW the teams being knocked who are being petty. They hope teams struggle to their daughter's team's benefit.

It's been a common practice here forever - The pettiness and criticisms over fields, clinics, tournaments played in etc. etc. have zero effect on anyone outside the program. If you dont like how a programs run, go elsewhere.