Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I don't have a dog in this fight but from afar I can't understand what all of the bitterness is about. The intent of an "elite" league is to have the best possible competition. Why would you sign up for an elite league and then get mad when other teams bring in great players. Those players are enhancing your son's experience not detracting from it. If your son is a FOGO you should want him to face the kid from Florida. By all accounts the games have been extremely competitive. You are lucky to have such a great league without having to travel. If the trophy and bragging rights are so important to you, sign up for an easier league.

honesty and sportsmanship is what is important to most. Still would be an elite league without having folks blatantly disregarding the published rules - where does it stop and where do we stop hiding behind excuses or justifications? Kids have to make a choice - you play for a high school, you forfeit your spring youth league. You hold back for purpose of looking better for college; you do not get to play 8th grade and beat on kids who have not hit puberty yet. Why do we feel we have to let these kids and their families do whatever they want? Just because they are elite players, does not mean that good sportsmanship, safety and character should be forgotten - they are subject to rules like there are in real life. You also have not considered the safety issues involved in some of these "elite" games. 200 plus pounds of man like muscle playing against a 13 year old pre puberty boy of 115 pounds? What is fun about watching that? One belongs on the field being on age and one does not being a holdback. Occasionally you will have an true 14 year old of that weight but not teams full of them. It is not about a trophy except to those teams manipulating rules to do everything to win one.

There are several levels of competition. The 115 lb 13 year old can play in whatever league is best for him. If he hasn't hit puberty he probably shouldn't be in the elite league. The only reason he isn't in an appropriate league is that his parents are hung up on him being in the "elite" league rather than at a level where he can be successful. Hoco has created leagues where every kid from the very best to rec level kids can play against like competition. That is what youth sports is supposed to be about. The problem is parents who are either hung up on labels or unrealistic about what level their son should be playing at. If one of the team's was dominant that would be a problem but from all accounts the games are very competive.