Originally Posted by Anonymous
That player that you mentioned is the heart and soul of that Massapequa team. He is an outstanding kid, fantastic leader and and UMASS is getting a high-quality character kid. He was instrumental in bringing Massapequa back last night and was excited after picking off a pass, bringing it down the field for a game winning assist (he also had 2 goals) You cannot find a kid on that team that does not love him and look up to him. If you are going to spend you nights and days trolling lax social media sites, you should at least have some context as to why he did that gesture. Next time you want to comment on a great kid like that, do some research other than a 3 second clip on the internet

I was at the game and shocked to see a bunch of Massapequa playes miming throwing dice. there is no place in high school sports for gambling.