"demographic" and bay shore. When you buy in the district you know what you are getting. People don't leave Bay Shore for the private schools because of the demographic. They leave because they feel that the private school is a better fit for their kids. Bay Shore education is solid, what is lacking for such a big district is a lack of understanding about the importance sports plays in the lives of teenagers. Boys sports are an afterthought there. The district has plenty of talent. What they do not have is an athletic director who cares or coaches that care to build a program. They have teams not programs..The school board is clueless and does not care to address any issues other than "progressive" issues. What they fail to realize is that in a district with a diverse economic means, sports is the great equalizer. Promotes character, self esteem and for kid with limited role models or family a coach or team can be a very important positive influence in their lives..