Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Schommy wins the state A championship at SJB. His FOGO was 1 or 2 in terms of all catholic school FO %. He is building a nice program there. Seems like he pulls kids who either Sit the bench at a private school because of their last name, or good club kids from the plethora of terrible public schools. Definitely something to think about, as parents watch other kids play because their child is pasted to their 30 man deep bench at…SA/Chaminade//etc.

Thanks, but I’ll save the 52k in a 4 year HS tuition and use it for my sons college education. The education in most public schools is way better than an education at St John’s. As long as you have a pulse and a bachelors degree you can become a teacher at a Catholic HS. Public Schools actually require a certification to teach. If my son plays on a bad public school team but plays for a top tier travel program, he’ll get plenty of looks.

I was thinking it and you said it first.

You don't even need to play for a "top tier" travel program. College coaches will find you if you're actually good enough.