Originally Posted by Anonymous
It's not PAL. The stronger kids on Express play a lot more. A bit early to worry though. The bottom of the roster will play less at Express and everywhere else. Don't fool yourself into thinking it's different at Express. The extra 4-5 kids doesn't change the dynamic that much. Stronger kids play more. Period. If you want equal playing time stick with PAL. You are paying for instruction. Enjoy the practices and worry about playing time in the Spring.

Total BS. The kids that play here are the favored ones. Leave and you will see. Your kid was good enough to make the team in the first place--RIGHT? So, why isn't he good enough to get playing time? The Dad coaches kids play a ton. Last year, certain kids never left the field. I know. My kid was one of them. The team would be losing 7 8 9 to zero and some kids would be left on the bench. It kills your kids confidence. Horrible for them in general.

If you feel like your kid is getting the raw end of the deal on this team, either suck it up and stay, or go elsewhere. There are now plenty of other options out there. Express A teams are all really good and get a ton of support from the organization. But, everyone else--not so much.

Btw, all clubs are like this. Maybe, Team Novanta Uno has decent 2nd teams that get good support etc. But, at every place else, the 2nd team is the 2nd team. FACT.