Sigh ... each time the topic of holdbacks comes up, one of the main arguments is that some older kid is going to seriously hurt a properly aged kid. And, by golly, then we'll be forced to change things. Please.

For injuries and insurance, etc. It is just wrong to pretend your kid or his teammate or your player should be competing against 11 years olds when he is 13 or 14 in a bracket intended for younger boys. Gaming a system by holding back a child to have an advantage keeps being justified (usually under the knucklehead argument "in high school you have to get used to playing older boys, so this is just helping you prep for that reality, you're welcome"). People gaming systems to gain an advantage over others who abide guidelines should be frowned upon. The players know a hulking holdback when they encounter one and it depresses them to lose to one.

As for the case of Laxblack who pushes a whole system of holdback players and uses 7th graders against 6th graders with the theory they intend to be held back between now and the year 2023, it's just next level wrong. Or, in lax speak, "elite" wrong.