Originally Posted by Anonymous
Express White didn't look like a money grab yesterday. They actually played very well from what I saw. 2 wins and 1 loss.. Not too bad. Defense looked very good, offense as well, and the goalie did a very good job in the net. Much stronger team then they looked last year. With more practice, they are only going to get better.

The skill level of those kids are at a beginner PAL level. Why would a parent spend $2500 when the local PAL team cost $120. Go spend quality time with your son in the yard catching and throwing and have them play PAL " untill" he becomes good enough to make, at a minimum, a B team.

This team is nothing more than MC and KW exploiting the uneducated lacrosse parent. It's criminal and both those guys have the reputation of being nothing more than money grabbing clowns as the previous poster so nicely put it