Originally Posted by Anonymous
Go play football, baseball, Soccer, Whatever... Jack of all trades master of none.. Your son isn't passionate about 1 sport more than the other? ????
You can afford to pay Travel LAX dollars and prioritize PAL Football?
Im sure your son will be fine.
I consider Travel Lax a commitment and a gift. Respect the opportunity to play. Alot of parents treat it like an activity. PAL Lax is an Activity ....

Keeping up with the Jones's....Signing your son up to everything because all the other parents are signing there kids up as well..Fear of not doing what everyone else is doing...

These are little kids you're talking about. There are plenty of kids that play multiple sports and make every travel team. At this young age some are athletically inclined and can play any and all sports. There will come a time when the child will decide all on his own what sports he wants to continue to play and what he doesn't. He may decide he doesn't want to play any sport.