Originally Posted by Anonymous
Sigh ... age restrictions and monitoring will never happen so long as the powers that be (club lax organizations) benefit (through $, wins and recruited players) from using holdbacks. These guys run the tourneys, have the best teams, fill the showcases, get the recruiting media coverage, coach other teams on other levels,etc. They don't want a level playing field. The NLF is a direct reflection of all that. The day the kids on those teams ever have to disclose their birthdates and play against kids their own age is not happening soon.

I reluctantly agree with that. We all call for changing the "wild west" Team LI tried for years to change it and couldn't. The Director there was the PAL director and tried at PAL to go age based and the board voted down there as well (that was three years back). Yet, IMHO they all go to WSYL because it's a chance to enhance their brand on TV.